The coming of spring is a time of joy in Snow Country, and there are many festivals around the region that celebrate the sights and tastes of the new season. One of the most vibrant is the Tokamachi Kimono Festival.
Tokamachi is famous for kimono material, and on May 3rd each year they close off several of the main streets in the center of town and welcome the coming of spring. People of all ages dress in traditional attire and stroll around the streets. There are food stalls, performances and a kimono parade.

It is a fantastic day out and with all the amazing kimono on display it is wonderfully colorful. The festival also doubles as a celebration for the 20 years old that year who officially come of age as adults. The usual Coming of Age ceremony is in January, but as the area is under heavy snow many places in the region postpone the ceremony until spring when conditions are more convenient for getting dressed up in your finest.
You can borrow a kimono for the day if you would like to join the fun, or if not you can sit back in one of the cafes in the street and just enjoy watching people go by, or stroll around and enjoy one of the many performances that take place throughout the day.
